Tailor your organizational success!

Unlock the power of custom-built software, providing innovative solutions for system management, digitalization, and process-oriented approach, fostering a paradigm shift towards efficiency and excellence.

SMANAG is the ultimate tool for tailored organizational success management.

You can plan, operate and control your processes and activities in a value adding way in consideration of the requirements of the relevant international management standards, your customers and other interested parties.


SMANAG allows you to develop multi site corporate or stand alone management systems. Due to the modular structure of the system every organization can find its best fitting solution even if the goal is to build the simpliest management system for fulfilment standard and registrars requirements or to manage complex organizations with focus on operational success and compliance. 

The team members developing SMANAG are automotive professionals with 20+ years Tier 1 and OEM automotive experience. All members are ISO 9001 lead auditors, certified VDA 6.3 process auditors, many of them are IATF 16949 certification auditors.

Embrace the potential of Advanced System Operation

Use our software for all process elements.

Process Management

We help you manage

CSR Management

Allows you a structured analysis of CSRs

Risk Management

Allows you to evaluate risks and opportunities.

Competence Management

We conduct A/B testing 

Process Management

Whether your business will be successful, just exists or fails depends on the performance of your organizational processes. If your processes will be effective and efficient depends on the way how you define and control them. SMANAG Process Management (PM) module allows you to tailor your management system according to its size and complexity. Small, mid size and large organizations find also their apropriate solution from the pre-defined “can” system up to the 3 process level depth customer defined system. Process approach and meeting of automotive requirements are granted.

CSR Management

Identification, review and implementation of customer specific requirements (CSR) is one of the most challenging tasks in the operation of management systems. The SMANAG CSR module allows you a structured analysis of CSRs and their allocation to your business processes. With SMANAG you can keep your CSRs always up to date, and available to your affected employees in their own language.

Risk Management

Daily business is a continual risk management. Leaders on different levels of organizations are facing issues every day that they need to evaluate and decide about risks and oportunities. Prompt decisions and adequate priorization of actions helps to minimize waste and maximize profit. SMANAG risk management module allows you to evaluate risks and opportunities on company and process level and to react on operational issues from the daily business as well.

Competence Management

The maintenance of a set of competencies in an organization is particularly challenging. By defining and automating job profiles and related competences you can easily identify strengths and skill gaps that can be used to develop your employees with whom a better business result can be achieved. SMANAG Competence Module (CM) allows you to define job profiles which are needed for your processes and to link your employees to job profiles. SMANAG provides an opportunity to assess employees according to expected competence level to identify opportunities for training and development.

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Supercharge Your Success Management

Discover the Power of Modular Structure

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“Vivamus id gravida mi, nec ullamcorper purus. Suspendisse ut nibh sagittis lacus viverra aliquam. Praesent ac lobortis mauris, non imperdiet quam. Praesent laoreet elit nisi, id feugiat ante accumsan sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.”
“Donec ullamcorper libero nisl, nec blandit dolor tempus feugiat. Aenean neque felis, fringilla nec placerat eget, sollicitudin a sapien. Maecenas at consectetur ex, vitae consequat augue. Vivamus eget dolor vel quam condimentum sodales.”

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Request a quote today and revolutionize your organization’s efficiency with tailored software solutions, optimizing your management systems for seamless digital transformation and enhanced productivity.

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